Excellent essay. Will be sharing it on my LinkedIn under #alternativedata. BTW -- we have been generating data to anticipate public policy moves for the last four years using a patented, award-winning process. The thrilling part for us is that now the tech to use the data is reaching critical mass! Every week, we highlight what the data tells us about policy trajectories in digital currency policy (Fridays), climate finance policy (Saturdays) and monetary policy (Sundays). Check it out here: https://measuringpolicyvolatility.com
Excellent essay. Will be sharing it on my LinkedIn under #alternativedata. BTW -- we have been generating data to anticipate public policy moves for the last four years using a patented, award-winning process. The thrilling part for us is that now the tech to use the data is reaching critical mass! Every week, we highlight what the data tells us about policy trajectories in digital currency policy (Fridays), climate finance policy (Saturdays) and monetary policy (Sundays). Check it out here: https://measuringpolicyvolatility.com